Connect with your soul

Welcome, Divine One

Thank you for being here on Earth in this lifetime. You bravely accepted this mission, to bring your Divine Light into a physical human body, to vibrate your frequency for Humanity during these times of chaos and confusion.

You have come far, and the way has not always been easy. It is time now to remember the highest expression of Light that you truly are: your true self is Love - a pure frequency of unstoppable creative force.

As you connect to the deep, deep stillness of your Soul, you commune with the Love that you are, and you uncover and alchemize the magic of You.

You are a bridge between Heaven and Earth, with unique abilities, knowledge and purpose, and I am honoured to assist you in remembering your role at this dawning of our new Golden Age.

With blessings and love
Sally Sherin 2021







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  • Quantum Healing & Multidimensional Integration Course - Foundation Day

    Quantum Healing & Multidimensional Integration Course - Foundation Day

      QHMI Foundation Day (next date to be confirmed) 10am-5pm - £77 At Woodlands, near Ashurst, a couple of miles from Junction 2 of M27 This will be an opportunity to find out all about Quantum Healing & Multidimensional Integration, as a prelude to training as a facilitator to work with clients, or equally for your own personal development. QHMI is a very thorough method which takes a client into a deep state of relaxation, to access wisdom from the higher aspects of Self. Past lives, present life childhood, life-between-lives and even future lives can be accessed in order to assist your client to understand more about their present life purpose, and receive healing from Source. Read more